With regard to the nomination, my author profile in The Hindu for the 2013 Prize short list. Links to an earlier interview too, please read here …
Tags: Amandeep Sandhu, Roll of Honour, The Hindu Prize 2013 shortlist
Friends, acknowledging my work as a technical writer, a technology magazine was the first to interview me when ‘Roll of Honour’ was released last year. Techgoss.com, came back again now to check how I feel upon being nominated. The quote is linked to the earlier interview. Thank you Suneetha Balakrishnan.
‘Roll of Honour evokes the agony of not being able to resolve the dilemma of who is the self and what is the self’s identity. Yet, it acknowledges, that a space larger than the narrow partisan interest of a community is available and must be acknowledged. For that we have to move beyond the pain. We must learn to heed to the wounds. The nomination does that for me: it heals me, both personally and as a writer. I feel I have been heard.’
See full quote and link to an earlier interview here …
Tags: Amandeep Sandhu, Roll of Honour, Techgoss, The Hindu prize 2013
With regard to the nomination, my author profile in The Hindu for the 2013 Prize short list. Links to an earlier interview too, please read here …
Tags: Amandeep Sandhu, Roll of Honour, The Hindu Prize 2013 shortlist
The hope that the book evokes is that the next generation will acknowledge the previous generation’s culpability in the violence and will work to bridge hearts. The book moves and even upsets the reader but that is needed if we have to work towards a society that chooses not to bury its ugly past. As a fight for justice, if victims, arguments, and evidences are the three basis on which the law acts, then the book does a fine job of expanding the canvas of the narration of the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom. My hope is that the possibility of justice evoked in fiction comes true in reality.
Tags: Amandeeo Sandhu, anti-Sikh, Helium, Jaspreet Singh
My interview with Canadian Indian author Jaspreet Singh on the publication of his new novel Helium on the 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom from the point of view of a son of a senior police officer who facilitated the communal violence.
Tags: Amandeep Sandhu, Helium, Japreet Singh, The Hindu
An old friend from University called me today morning on my Bangalore number. I had activated the number only recently after five years. He told me that Roll of Honour is on The Hindu Prize 2013 Shortlist. I could not speak to him, I asked him to give me some time to recover. I put the phone down, broke down, checked the newspaper online, saw an email from Krithika at The Hindu informing me of the nomination and finally registered that it has happened. Roll of Honour is nominated along with another four books by the authors: Manu Joseph, Anees Salim, Manjul Bajaj, and Sonora Jha.
Thank you everybody. The friend who called, Bobby George, had quoted to me from the Talmud after Sepia Leaves was out, ‘A man is known by the tree he plants, the book he writes, and the family he raises.’ Thank you! See more here …
Tags: adolescence, fear, military school, Punjab, Roll of Honour, terrorism, The Hindu Award 2013