Posts Tagged ‘University of Hyderabad’


Farmer Protests: Talk at Stanford University

   Posted by: aman    in Punjab

Dear Friends,

though it happens often in academic circles that teachers and students share a stage, since I am not part of any institution, it was my pleasure to share stage with Prof Surinder S. Jodhka who was my teacher in the 1990s at the University of Hyderabad.

Here is our session at the Stanford South Asian Society hosted by Ashveer Pal Singh. Thank you Komal and Harleen for the technical support. 1.08 hours.

Please listen here…

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Scroll: At Hyderabad University 20 years ago …

   Posted by: aman    in Other

Friends, upon learning of Rohith Vemula’s death on the University of Hyderabad campus, I looked back at my own time in the same university twenty years back.

‘… I relate to his (Vemula’s) emptiness.

While mental illness in my family had scarred me, and separatist violence in my state had scared me, seeing a united movement for equality break down into such factionalism in an institute of higher learning broke me. After university, for a long time I lost my voice… I will always remember Rohith Vemula’s final letter. To me, he is a writer who has ignited the country. His words will live on.’

Please read …

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