Posts Tagged ‘antiserious’


Termite Attack and Lost Policy for Antiserious

   Posted by: aman    in Other

Sumana Roy and Manjiri Indurkar remain kind to me on their satire and humour website Antiserious. They published a new piece on something that affects most of us while we take care of the piles and piles of documents in bureaucratic India.

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A Piece on Garbage for Antiserious

   Posted by: aman    in Other

Friends, Sumana Roy often bullies me into going to places in my writing where I have never been before. Thank you Sumana. So, on her prompt. here is a play without dialogs – a pantomime. It is my first public attempt at writing for theatre.

The piece is a reaction to the Swachh Bharat campaign. The real issues of garbage removal and sanitation are much deeper and lie in structural amendments to public systems, not in photo opportunities. For me the Swachh Bharat campaign ends – at my doorstep.

Please read

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